Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 6 - The Blues

Yes - I know this is a day late. Boot camp yesterday totally kicked my hiney and I didn't even have the strength to type on my little laptop. *sigh*

Yesterday, I felt a little blue. I tried to fight it the best I could. Looking at the many blessings in my life. Taking deep breaths. Smiling every time I looked at my non-existent watch. But the fact is, everyone is going to have the blues every now and then, even if you are dedicated to being positive and happy. I have learned the hard way that ignoring your true feelings can seriously backfire on you. Ignoring things does not make them go away, it just makes them fester until you either explode or collapse in a useless puddle of snotty tears.

However, I have also learned that you not only need to acknowledge your true feelings, you also need to understand what they are really about. Sometimes when we are sad and angry, we will take it out on whatever is handy instead of confronting what we really feel or who we are really upset with. While it may be easier to act like you're really upset with the fact that your husband doesn't pick up his socks, you really should confront the fact that you had a lousy and disappointing day at work.

Sometimes we have the blues for no reason at all. It could be chemical, hormonal, or the weather. It is okay to feel this way, but try not to take it out on other people. And try to find ways to make yourself feel better. Maybe you just need a moment to soak up some sunshine. Listen to some music. Take a few deep breaths. Accept that you're feeling blue and be okay with it. But for God's sake, don't wallow in it and bring everyone else down.

As for me, there were a few reasons I was feeling blue. One reason was that it's just that time of month. I always feel a little down the week before "Aunt Flo" visits. Another reason was that I was feeling insignificant. I had to remind myself that I really do matter to the people that matter. The final reason for my blues was that I don't feel that I'm getting enough quality time with my husband. His job is a bit detrimental to our relationship, but I have to accept it for what it is, and find joy in the times we get to be together. So while I couldn't really shake the blues, I could at least identify where they were coming from and move on with my day. It's easy to do once you realize that the blessings in life far outweigh the things that bring you down.

By the way, while I was being tortured during boot camp, I did take the time to admire the beautiful blue sky. It took my mind off the pain ;-)

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