Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 13 - How Full is Your Bucket?

So I am a day late again because I was out late last night with my ladies group. It was supposed to be our book club meeting, but we usually don't spend much time talking about the book. Instead we share stories about our lives, cheer each other's accomplishments, and support those that are having difficult times. Even though we don't follow a traditional book club format, I love these meetings. They are always bucket-filling.

Not sure what that means? I'm not sure who started it, but the concept is that we all walk around with an invisible bucket and dipper. When we are surrounded by positive energy, our bucket fills up. When we are exposed to negativity, our bucket is emptied. Positive people are bucket fillers, and negative people are bucket dippers. What is even more interesting, is that when you dip into some one's bucket with a negative emotion, you also dip into your own, but when you fill some one's bucket you fill your own. The idea is that positive energy breeds positive energy and negative energy breeds negative energy. There are several books about it. I'm reading How Full is Your Bucket by Tom Rath, but a great kids book is Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud. My daughter's counselor read it to her and it had such an impact on her that I had to read it myself.

It's pretty easy to be a bucket filler. Kindness is the main key. By being kind to people and authentically acknowledging their strengths with compliments will fill their buckets. However, it's not so easy to keep from being a bucket dipper. You have to be conscious of everything you say and do. Unkind words, impatient words, and negativity can empty a person's bucket.

My husband fills my bucket when he does little things around the house without my asking for it. He empties my bucket when he chooses work over family time. I fill my kids buckets when I compliment them. I dip into their buckets when I am impatient with them. Unfortunately, my family seems to have an even ratio of bucket filling and dipping, when you should actually have a ratio of 5 positives to every one negative.

To bring myself and my family more joy, I am pledging to start filling more buckets. It is so easy for us to nitpick and point out the things that aren't working, but I am resolving to end that horrible cycle. I plan to make a conscious effort to dole out more compliments and focus on all the good things that my family brings to me.

Have you filled a bucket today?

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